Sole Desire: The Shoes of Christian Louboutin

Fashion and Textile Studies: History, Theory, Museum Practice

About this Item

Sole Desire: The Shoes of Christian Louboutin
Contributor Names
Contractor, Lubna (Curator)
Daly, Kathleen (Curator)
Dow, Julianna (Curator)
Gross, Naomi (Curator)
Jones, Whitney (Curator)
Long, Pamela (Curator)
Orsini, Julie Ann (Curator)
Murgia, Monica (Curator)
Panetta, Alyssa (Curator)
Pasquet, Christina (Curator)
Ripley, Emily (Curator)
Scott, Erica (Curator)
Stewart, Nadine (Curator)
Thelin, Alexandra (Curator)
Vanderwarf, Sandra (Curator)
Veale VI, George (Curator)
Weinberg, Ayse Yeyinmen (Curator)
Deihl, Nancy (Thesis advisor)
Montegut, Denyse (Thesis advisor)
An exhibition tracing the course of Louboutin's career and placing him in context with other important designers while examining the major influences and themes that have informed his designs
FT 655 Students (Curators): Lubna Contractor, Kathleen Daly, Julianna Dow, Naomi Gross, Whitney Jones, Pamela Long, Julie Ann Orsini, Monica Murgia, Alyssa Panetta, Christina Pasquet, Emily Ripley, Erica Scott, Nadine Stewart, Alexandra Thelin, Sandra Vanderwarf, George Veale VI, Ayse Yeyinmen Weinberg
Exhibition Location: Museum at FIT
Still Image
Exhibitions (events)
Annuals (exhibitions)
Exhibition installation photographs
Program/Course/Exhibition Information
Program/Degree: Fashion and Textile Studies MA
Course: FT 655 Exhibition Practicum
Academic Semeter: Spring 2008
Professors: Nancy Deihl, Denyse Montegut
In Copyright
All images in this record are created by the Fashion Institute of Technology ("FIT") and the properties of FIT. FIT expressly prohibits the copying, displaying, or uploading to a website of any portion of these images, except for the purposes of fair use as defined in the copyright laws, without express written permission from FIT. These images have been made available online by the Fashion Institute of Technology Gladys Marcus Library strictly for research and educational purposes. If you are the copyright holder for content in these images and have any objections to this work being made available online, please notify us immediately at [email protected].
FIT Repository ID: ex_ft_2008_01


Contractor, L. (2008). Sole Desire: The Shoes of Christian Louboutin. FIT Institutional Repository.
Contractor, Lubna. Sole Desire: The Shoes of Christian Louboutin. 2008. FIT Digital Repository,
Contractor, Lubna. "Sole Desire: The Shoes of Christian Louboutin." FIT Digital Repository, 2008.