WD/FIT Student Fashion Walk

Fashion Design (School of Art and Design); Photography and Related Media; Interdisciplinary Programs

About this Item

WD/FIT Student Fashion Walk
Contributor Names
Beamon, Shelby (Photographer)
Fijalska, Justyna (Photographer)
Gallant, Laura (Photographer)
Madigan, Mikayla (Photographer)
Papakonstantinous, Alexandros (Photographer)
Smigiel, Brandi-Lynn (Photographer)
Tiberio, Jordan (Photographer)
Wenzel, Margrit (Photographer)
Cardino, Gina-Marie (Fashion designer)
Cole, Morgan (Fashion designer)
Henderson, Amanda (Fashion designer)
Nyn, Natalya (Fashion designer)
Gamliely, Eitan (Videographer)
Obregon, Julia (Model)
Smith, Brooke (Model)
Acer, Mathew (Production personnel)
Parks, Kenyon (Production personnel)
Dorn, Bruce (Project director)
Willocks, Curtis (Instructor, Consultant)
Exhibit of project led by world-renowned photographer, filmmaker and Western Digital Creative Master, Bruce Dorn. The project was the combined efforts between the Photography and Fashion Design departments.
Sponsor: Western Digital
Participating Students by their roles:
Photographers: Shelby Beamon, Justyna Fijalska, Laura Gallant, Mikayla Madigan, Alexandros Papakonstantinous, Brandi-Lynn Smigiel, Jordan Tiberio, Margrit Wenzel
Fashion Designers: Gina-Marie Cardino, Morgan Cole, Amanda Henderson, Natalya Nyn
Videographer: Eitan Gamliely
Student Models: Julia Obregon, Brooke Smith
Project Assistants: Mathew Acer, Kenyon Parks
Faculty Advisor: Curtis Willocks
Still Image
Exhibitions (events)
Exhibition installation photographs
Program/Course/Exhibition Information
Semester: Fall 2013
Project Date (Photoshoot): October 23, 2013
Exhibition Location: Pomerantz Center, Lobby
In Copyright
All images in this record are created by the Fashion Institute of Technology ("FIT") and the properties of FIT. FIT expressly prohibits the copying, displaying, or uploading to a website of any portion of these images, except for the purposes of fair use as defined in the copyright laws, without express written permission from FIT. These images have been made available online by the Fashion Institute of Technology Gladys Marcus Library strictly for research and educational purposes. If you are the copyright holder for content in these images and have any objections to this work being made available online, please notify us immediately at [email protected].
FIT Repository ID: ex_2013_0008
FITDIL Photo Project ID: 20140612_2


Beamon, S. (2013). WD/FIT Student Fashion Walk. FIT Institutional Repository. https://institutionalrepository.fitnyc.edu/item/272767
Beamon, Shelby. WD/FIT Student Fashion Walk. 2013. FIT Digital Repository, https://institutionalrepository.fitnyc.edu/item/272767
Beamon, Shelby. "WD/FIT Student Fashion Walk." FIT Digital Repository, 2013. https://institutionalrepository.fitnyc.edu/item/272767