Dios, Patria, y Libertad

Amaris Gonzalez
Fashion Design (School of Art and Design)

About this Item

Dios, Patria, y Libertad
Contributor Names
Gonzalez, Amaris (Creator, Designer)
Ciniglio, Lorenzo (Photographer)
Otero, Andrés (Photographer)
Summary/Artist's Statement
For my thesis, I explore the traditional and cultural Dominican values that I grew up on. I also connect my Dominican heritage to the New York City culture that also raised me. I come from an immigrant family that migrated to the Lower East Side of NYC in the 1960s. Early on in my career, I unknowingly blended these two different aspects of my cultural experience through my designs. Dios, Patria, y Libertad is my perspective on the elements that make me who I am.
Still Image
Fashion shows
Apparel Type
Sports clothing
Course/Degree Information
Program/Degree: Fashion Design BFA
Concentration: Sportswear
Academic Semester: Spring 2024
In Exhibition
2024 Future of Fashion
In Copyright
The copyright for this work is held by its author/creator(s). Usage of this material beyond what is permitted by copyright law must first be cleared with the rights-holder(s). This work has been made available online by the Fashion Institute of Technology Gladys Marcus Library strictly for research and educational purposes. If you are the copyright holder for this work and have any objections to this work being made available online, please notify us immediately at [email protected].
FIT Repository ID: fof_2024_0017


Gonzalez, A. (2024). Dios, Patria, y Libertad. FIT Institutional Repository. https://institutionalrepository.fitnyc.edu/item/215952
Gonzalez, Amaris. Dios, Patria, Y Libertad. 2024. FIT Digital Repository, https://institutionalrepository.fitnyc.edu/item/215952
Gonzalez, Amaris. "Dios, Patria, Y Libertad." FIT Digital Repository, 2024. https://institutionalrepository.fitnyc.edu/item/215952