About this Item

Polynesian Butter Knife
Contributor Names
Lee, Hye (Creator, Designer)
Teratani, Chie (Thesis advisor)
Yothers, Wendy (Thesis advisor)
Summary/Artist's Statement
Butter knife Inspired by Polynesian Culture in Hawaii with technique of wax carving and metal rivets
Still Image
Butter knives
Medium (Terms)
Brass (alloy)
Carving (processes)
Metal rivet
Course/Degree Information
Program/Degree: Jewelry Design Two-Year AAS
Course number: JD 272 Studio Fabrication II
Academic semester: 2021, Spring
Professor: Teratani, Chie; Yothers, Wendy
In Copyright
The copyright for this work is held by its author/creator(s). Usage of this material beyond what is permitted by copyright law must first be cleared with the rights-holder(s). This work has been made available online by the Fashion Institute of Technology Gladys Marcus Library strictly for research and educational purposes. If you are the copyright holder for this work and have any objections to this work being made available online, please notify us immediately at [email protected].
FIT Repository ID: jd_000095


Lee, H. (2022). Polynesian Butter Knife. FIT Institutional Repository. https://institutionalrepository.fitnyc.edu/item/19097
Lee, Hye. Polynesian Butter Knife. 2022. FIT Digital Repository, https://institutionalrepository.fitnyc.edu/item/19097
Lee, Hye. "Polynesian Butter Knife." FIT Digital Repository, 2022. https://institutionalrepository.fitnyc.edu/item/19097