The Modern Video Game Market Promotes a Variety of Illustration Styles

Christian Ray C. Blaza
Illustration (School of Graduate Studies)

About this Item

The Modern Video Game Market Promotes a Variety of Illustration Styles
Contributor Names
Blaza, Christian Ray C. (Author)
Reitschel, Barbara (Thesis advisor)
Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York. Illustration (Degree granting institution)
Degree Information
M.A. Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York 2022
Department: Illustration
Advisor: Barbara Reitschel
Committee member: Brendan Leach
Video games are electronic interactive images viewed on a display, controlled by a player or players. There are as many illustration styles as illustrators and for the gaming industry, this has proved to be very beneficial to the market. Illustration’s role has rapidly grown in modern video game development. Initially entirely non-existent, it now plays a significant role in a video game’s visual style. The illustration style for video games has changed from limited rudimentary graphics to be more sophisticated and varied because of several factors.
As the capabilities of video game consoles grew, so did the interest and support for the industry. In 2003, game studio Steam created an online marketplace for game developers to easily market their video games. Downloading games online was widely accepted, which led to various gaming companies adopting the idea of having their own virtual marketplace. With multiple platforms to host their games, small teams or individuals were free to share their games. Creatives in different fields, many Illustrators, brought different styles and concepts that were unique at the time with great success.
The video game market has evolved since then, and the various illustration styles along with it.
llustrations for early video games were primarily used for advertisements or concept art, rarely seen in-game. Art departments slowly developed in video game companies as technology advancements allowed for more detailed graphics. Illustration now has a stronger presence in the video game industry than ever before. No longer does illustration need to be just production but as assets used in games. The modern video game is not just entertainment but also another growing platform for illustration consumption.
Video games
Markets in art
Art and electronics
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FIT Repository ID: etd_000975


Blaza, C. R. C. (2022). The Modern Video Game Market Promotes a Variety of Illustration Styles [Master's thesis, Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York]. FIT Institutional Repository.
Blaza, Christian Ray C. The Modern Video Game Market Promotes a Variety of Illustration Styles. 2022. Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York, Master's thesis. FIT Digital Repository,
Blaza, Christian Ray C. "The Modern Video Game Market Promotes a Variety of Illustration Styles." Master's thesis, Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York, 2022.