About this Item

Kasparov & Deep Blue
Contributor Names
Yazliyeva, Mahry (Creator, Designer)
Graff, Sondra (Thesis advisor)
Summary/Artist's Statement
In 1997, Kasparov, the world's best chess player lost a match against an IBM supercomputer called Deep Blue. He resigned after 19 moves. This had never happened before, creating a societal shift in which AI began to fulfil what scientists had always known it could do. Although AI is thought to have fascinating capabilities, it also presents ethical issues, and while we are surrounded by it, a lot of people feel uneasy, and perhaps even assume that "robots will eventually take over." That being said, it's important to take into consideration that AI cannot function without humans and the two working together have a lot of potential to solve limitations. So, by taking chess and bringing it back to the '90s, when AI first began to make its major mark, the set aims to bring computer and humans together.
Still Image
Chess set, collage
Course/Degree Information
Program/Degree: Graphic Design BFA
Academic semester: Spring 2021
Program semester: Semester 8
Professor: Graff, Sondra
Related Materials
Designer's Website
In Copyright
The copyright for this work is held by its author/creator(s). Usage of this material beyond what is permitted by copyright law must first be cleared with the rights-holder(s). This work has been made available online by the Fashion Institute of Technology Gladys Marcus Library strictly for research and educational purposes. If you are the copyright holder for this work and have any objections to this work being made available online, please notify us immediately at [email protected].
FIT Repository ID: gd_000193


Yazliyeva, M. (2021). Kasparov & Deep Blue. FIT Institutional Repository. https://institutionalrepository.fitnyc.edu/item/15863
Yazliyeva, Mahry. Kasparov & Deep Blue. 2021. FIT Digital Repository, https://institutionalrepository.fitnyc.edu/item/15863
Yazliyeva, Mahry. "Kasparov & Deep Blue." FIT Digital Repository, 2021. https://institutionalrepository.fitnyc.edu/item/15863