An Interdisciplinary Collaboration Between Art and Technology Maba Studio, Marketing in the Context of Creative Technology

Silvia Zhang
Art Market Studies

About this Item

An Interdisciplinary Collaboration Between Art and Technology Maba Studio, Marketing in the Context of Creative Technology
Contributor Names
Zhang, Silvia (Author)
Melton, Paul (Thesis advisor)
Degen, Natasha (Thesis advisor)
Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York. Art Market Studies (Degree granting institution)
Degree Information
M.A. Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York, 2022
Department: Art Market Studies
Advisors: Melton, Paul; Degen, Natasha
In the post-pandemic age, technology has grown significantly to create an impact on the art world. Whether it is planning an immersive art experience, hosting exhibitions and selling art in decentralized spaces, art organizations such as museums and galleries have begun to incorporate the use of technology as part of their program as an additional strategy to increase audience engagement and traffic even when they are not physically present. This thesis compares a case study (Part 1) and a business plan (Part 2), with the purpose of investigating the actual performance of the technology in art. I will apply the case study of the collaboration between The Mill and Tate Britain to my business of creative marketing studio with a focus on marketing and design through cutting-edge technology.
Art--Study and teaching
Art education
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FIT Repository ID: etd_000928
ISBN: 9798379504779
pqdiss: 30250607
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Zhang, S. (2022). An Interdisciplinary Collaboration Between Art and Technology Maba Studio, Marketing in the Context of Creative Technology [Master's thesis, Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York]. FIT Institutional Repository.
Zhang, Silvia. An Interdisciplinary Collaboration Between Art and Technology Maba Studio, Marketing in the Context of Creative Technology. 2022. Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York, Master's thesis. FIT Digital Repository,
Zhang, Silvia. "An Interdisciplinary Collaboration Between Art and Technology Maba Studio, Marketing in the Context of Creative Technology." Master's thesis, Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York, 2022.