Communication Design Foundation
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Show the Girl, Show the Boy, Show the Kid.
Coralis Rivera, Alexandra Cordato, Melissa Tombro, Jamie Agenor, Will Baaske, Nafisah Crumity, Lindey Del Rio, Raisa Dubno, Bella Dupont, Kathleen Granados, Peshi Kendall, Wisteria Kirk, Connie Kwok, Danielle Limmer, Sarah Loose, Josefina Lopez De Romana, Grace Otto, Laiba Rafi, Vanessa Rand, Sophia Renda, Lauren Roberts, Emily Simon, Georgia Steadman, Lyla Stratton, Luz Ticona, Jialun Tong, Melissa Tombro and Kim Yunker
- 2024
- Communication Design Foundation
- Fine Arts
- Image
- Exhibitions (events)
- Exhibition installation photographs
The exhibition title "Show the Girl. Show the Boy. Show the Kid." is a play on the 1988 Christopher Wool painting "Apocalypse Now."
Creatively conceived by Fine Arts Juniors Coralis Rivera and Alexandra Cordato, this show seeks to explore gender, its many nuances and the relationships one's gender has to the way they experience the world around them.
Artists were asked to investigate their relationship with gender and the interplay between gender and other identifying markers such as race, sexuality, nationality, religion, etc. Essential to understanding the importance of gender studies, artists were encouraged to use this exhibition as an opportunity to express their perspectives.
Creatively conceived by Fine Arts Juniors Coralis Rivera and Alexandra Cordato, this show seeks to explore gender, its many nuances and the relationships one's gender has to the way they experience the world around them.
Artists were asked to investigate their relationship with gender and the interplay between gender and other identifying markers such as race, sexuality, nationality, religion, etc. Essential to understanding the importance of gender studies, artists were encouraged to use this exhibition as an opportunity to express their perspectives.
Words and Images
- 2009
- Gladys Marcus Library
- Communication Design Foundation
- Image
- Exhibitions (events)
- Exhibition installation photographs
Professor Kingsley Parker, Communication Design Dept., showcases his students' work
- 2010
- Gladys Marcus Library
- Communication Design Foundation
- Image
- Exhibitions (events)
- Exhibition installation photographs
Communication Design students present graphic images of their phobias
Communication Design AAS Project
Jia Zhixin
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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Program/Degree: Communication Design Foundation AAS
"To Be Done" Lenticular Poster Series
Wei Zheng
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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- Posters
For this project, I created a series of controversial lenticular posters to spark, destigmatize the social taboo, and open up more conversations about mental health and self-harm. Each lenticular poster shows how one would use an object and or substance to cope with their struggles, and then at an opposite angle, it unveils a common response that negates how they’re truly feeling.
Sykies Chocolate Packaging Design
Wei Zheng
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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Sykies is a delicious lactose-free treat that’s made with love and taste so surreal that you won’t believe it’s dairy-free! The products will be derived from organic plants and nuts, promoting sustainable eating and reducing one’s carbon footprint. We partnered with Strongminds– an organization founded in 2012 that provides accessible therapy for women struggling with mental illness. Over 70,000 women in Uganda and Zambia have been treated and remained depression-free for over six months. Sykies hopes to continue to help those in need that do not have proper treatment.
Octopus-sy Display Model
Wei Zheng
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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Dame Products is a sexual wellness brand that represents more than just sex. They are continuously educating and debunking the taboo and negative stigma around sex. For this grand wall display, I chose an octopus to represent the Dame’s sex toys. Octopuses are intelligent and solitary creatures that are sensitive to touch. The suctions of their tentacles are powerful and can securely grip onto the products. Likewise to most people, they are extremely curious. This playful wall display will visually entice people to see and explore the products of Dame.
Avital Zharzhavsky
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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Program/Degree: Communication Design Foundation AAS
A Hive
Avital Zharzhavsky
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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Program/Degree: Communication Design Foundation AAS
Kakao Chocolate Bars
Avital Zharzhavsky
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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- Packaging
Program/Degree: Communication Design Foundation AAS
Adobe Max Event Poster
Charles Zelazny
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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- Branding
- Posters
Program/Degree: Communication Design Foundation AAS
Relik Chocolate Bars
Charles Zelazny
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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- Branding
- Packaging
Program/Degree: Communication Design Foundation AAS
Procrastination Digital Composite
Lisa Wu Mo
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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Program/Degree: Communication Design Foundation AAS
Adobe Max Event Poster
Lisa Wu Mo
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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- Posters
Event Poster Design
Mountain G'oats
Ethan Wolfsberg
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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- Branding
- Packaging
Snack Pack Brand Identity and Packaging
Quetza Chocolate
Ethan Wolfsberg
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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- Branding
- Packaging
Chocolate Brand Identity and Packaging
LXR Personal Care Packaging
Ethan Wolfsberg
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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- Branding
- Packaging
Program/Degree: Communication Design Foundation AAS
SouthSheep Package Design
Morgan Williams
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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- Packaging
Brand packaging
Telfar Brand to Customer Emojis
Morgan Williams
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
- Image
- Branding
Brand identity emojis
Brooklyn Academy of Music Calendar
Morgan Williams
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
- Image
- Printed ephemera
- Calendars (documents)
Communication Design AAS Project
Emily Wasserman
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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Program/Degree: Communication Design Foundation AAS
Communication Design AAS Project
Emily Wasserman
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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Program/Degree: Communication Design Foundation AAS
Sloosh Cosmetics
Katherine Wallace
- 2021
- Communication Design Foundation
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- Packaging
Program/Degree: Communication Design Foundation AAS